Clowns not Eating??


New Member
Hello i have two clown fish that i purchased about three weeks ago and when i first got them they both seemed to be eating well was feeding them twice a day and the only thing i could get them to eat was bring shrimp. but about a week ago one of the clows started losing alot of color he was never a very deep orange any ways but the back half or him lost about all color and he quit eating about 2 days ago. Then last night he finaly died and now my other clown wont eat and im getting worried about him. Any one have any suggestions on what i should do??

mr. limpid

Active Member
Stop feeding brian shrimp, it is like eating potatoes chips. Feed mysis instead similar but much more nutritious. Clowns just don't stop eating for no reason, what are your tank prams., what size tank is it, what other fish do you have with them? Also a picture of him or her would help.


New Member
i will definatly stop feeding brine shrimp and get some mysis next time i go to the LFS.
My tank paramaters are
Nitrate-40 to 60ppm
temp-76 -77
I just added some cheto to my refugeum so that should help me out with the nitrates its a 46 glallon bowfront with a 10 gallon sump been running for around 5 months.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Other than high nitrates which fish can handle, but since they are new they may be stressed from it. Try Seachem de nitrate, I used it and it cut my nitrates in half. Also your temp. is on the cool side 78 to 82 is closer to conditions in ocean. The warmer temp. will help them be more active and may help there appetite. Raising the temp should be done slowly about 2 deg a day.