clowns on a frenzy!


hey i already had a clown in my tank for a while his partner died a while ago... so i added another clown in there today and the old one keeps attacking him or chasing him is it something i should be worried bout


they both are same size preety much!!! i thought they would be buddies!!! he doesnt really attack him just chases him and stops!


Active Member
You can try to take the old one out for a few weeks and let the new one get comfortable. I've also read about people putting the new fish or the old fish in a critter cage for a few days to let them get used to each other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dapak83
hey i already had a clown in my tank for a while his partner died a while ago... so i added another clown in there today and the old one keeps attacking him or chasing him is it something i should be worried bout
Re arranging the live rock may also help.
Adding same size clowns is a bad idea. always add a much smaller one.


the other clown died when i had the heat surge come thru last summer... my tanks temp went over a 100 with in a day killed all of my fishes other then the clown who was lonely for a long time......
and i orderd the fishes on swf i didnt know what size i was going to get ! what to do now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dapak83
and i orderd the fishes on swf i didnt know what size i was going to get ! what to do now?
Rearrange rocks and prepare to sperate the two. Try using a breeder cage, etc. and see if that helps.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Rearrange rocks and prepare to sperate the two. Try using a breeder cage, etc. and see if that helps.
I was going to suggest that...


i dont have much rocks in there rite now i was going to add more since i already have fises i didnt wanna rush and get too much LR in ther at the same time soo i will add more..... and i need to get a cage also... i was thinking can i use like a plastic bag in wich the other fishes came in for a little while or something?
how long shud i keep them seprated for?


rearrange rocks might help. When I introduced a new clown. I made sure he was alot smaller. The big one chased him for a few hours. After that...they are buddies. Where the big one goes...the little one is right behind.


when you buy a pair, or in your case buy another one for a mate. buy a small one so the domenence chain continues. so the small one will be the male and your current one will be the female.


i wasnt thinking about a mate i just wanted him to have a buddy and so i ordered it.... i didnt know it was gona be suck a problem! :notsure:


its now ben a few hrs.... they arent buddies.. but the ond one backed off and started doing his own thing is not bothering to chase after the new one anymore.... sigh!!!!


sounds like it to me.. hopefully they dont go at it again!!!
i have had the original clown for a bit over a yr now
i will take some pics tonight i gota run trying to sell my bike!!
i'll post them up soon!