clowns trying to school?


I have 2 false percula's and 9 blue/green chromis in my tank and my clowns swim around with the chromis like they are part of the school. is this normal?
i dont ever see them trying to nip at the chromis or anything just swiming with them


I was thinking the same thing yesterday. My clown, 3 chromis' and 4 PJ Cardinals all school together. I thought it was really wierd. They just started doing that a couple of days ago. I'm just glad everyone is getting along.


Active Member
Well there is a person on here who has a yellow tang and a chromis school together. You guys are lucky. What kind of clown is it? Clarki usualy stay together when they are young in large groups so maybe that helped them learn to stay in school.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Well there is a person on here who has a yellow tang and a chromis school together. You guys are lucky. What kind of clown is it? Clarki usualy stay together when they are young in large groups so maybe that helped them learn to stay in school.
they are false percula's. they are young, so maybe as they grow that will stop. I think its awsome too, just didnt know if anyone else has seen it. Now only if my Yellow Tang would join, then my entire tank would be one big school!