

Active Member
No, but there is a local breeder in this area that sells to the LFS. I bought one of the Perculas that was tank raised and it is doing great.
I think breeding is a fantastic idea and hopefully in the near future all fish and corals can be raised in captivity.


New Member
Lemme tell ya a story about breeding clowns.
Last year at me old school i tried for MONTHS to get my clowns to breed for my classes and had NO LUCK. i tried EVERYTHING: anemones, varied diet, lighting, different sized clowns (to hasten the "change"), candlelight, Frank Sinatra, and got ZERO results. At the end of the year, the local Bored of Education closed down our school (for political reasons, not the clownfish thing), and i decided to give my students all my saltwater fish (i wasn't about to let the Bored get their hands on them). The clowns went to 2 brothers who were students of mine, and my sebaes spawned for them TWICE during the summer!!! These 2 students also had an aunt who "sold" them their first tank (55gal) for $5, and then gave them a 120 gal for helping her set up a 180. But i'm in agreement w/ the last post about buying only tank-raised clowns. They're so gosh-darn adorable, i want the healthiest possible specimens so that all who see them can appreciate them. One of my current tanks has 3 Percula clowns, all of different sizes, so maybe we'll have some results by the end of the school year (in 11 days)

rabid frog

Active Member
I just recently bought 2 tank raised perculas becuase I too think they are wonderful fish..... I managed to off them both in 2 days :( It looked as if ick had taken them over, in just one day. My tank is good I have 55lbs of live rock in a 55 gal aquarium a sea clone protein skimmer, a rainbow life guard sand filter, a 48" smart light half blue attanic and half normal... and a regent power filter. My live stock consists now of a coral banded shrimp, a bi-color blenni, and a chocolate chip star fish. My background on the tank has anemomies on it and i was wondering if they stressed out because they couldnt get into them? Anyone else have this problem...