

New Member
I was going to add a ocellaris clownfish to my 65g tank. Would it be better to add a pair of them or just one? what would the benefits of adding a pair be if any?


I think I might have Noah's Ark syndrome, but I like fish in pairs :) If you get a pair, make sure that one is bigger than the other, or they will fight to decide who will become the dominant female (clowns are hermaphrodites and the larger will always become the female). My Clarkiis are awfully cute (they came as a mated pair) and even share my carpet anemone.


Active Member
probably a pair, but first, what is in your tank now, and what do you intend to have, this can help to decide what nd how many


Active Member
Pair'em up baby!! If they're introduced together (make sure one's larger than the other) they will turn into a mated pair.
If you have a non-aggressive tank they may mate after 6 months and you could have tons "O" fish everywhere.


New Member
all i have right now is a blue damsel domino damsel and a yellow-tail damsel. I dont plan to have an aggresive tank.


Add a pair, if your living the damsels in there, you may want to make sure the pair is a larger one. Also since you have the damsels you may want to add a spieces of clowns that is a little more aggressive.
However, since ever fish is different you may be okay with the damsels and clowns together. Or they may kill each other. Just watch the fish after you add them and don't put in two really small ones.