

New Member
I recently add 2 percula clowns to 40gallon tank.My flamehawk kept on chasing and harassing them.So i put a divider in the tank and all was well.I woke up the next morning and I noticed one of the clowns was on the other side.So i put him back with the other clown and to my surprise the other clown chased him ,biting him on his fins.The clown jumped over the divider and is currently on the side with my coral beauty and flame hawk.Is this normal behavior?I thought clowns were peaceful.


I have a question: you have 2 percula clowns, is one bigger than the other? If you have one larger than the other, the larger clown is a female. Yes, I know hard to believe, but it's true. I started with 3 percula clowns, 2 grew very large into 2 females and began fighting every day. then it got so bad the 2 females would lock jaws. Once they were stuck together by the jaws and we had to pry them apart. My guess is they were trying to become the dominant for the male. Needless to say I only have 1 female and 1 male in my tank now. I had to give the other female back to the fish shop I couldn't take watching them abuse each other.
As for your question of being calm fish: the one female constantly chases the male. Once in a while she will bit him on the fin, just as you are describing. I have never read this in any book nor has the local fish store given me any advice.
I guess your fish are acting "normal" if you compare them to mine...good luck!