

New Member
Correction from my original question. I have two clowns that are yellow with three (3) white stripes. Can you tell me what there proper name is?


I THINK you are talking about percula clowns. They are usually orange, but vary in color. I've seen a few that almost could possibly be called yellow.
It is more likely that you have sebae clowns if they are small. Sebaes are lighter in color than perculas.

mr . salty

Active Member
I have an allards clown. He is YELLOW. The upper halph of his body is more brownish look here. This site has nice photos ( Does his center stripe have a gump in it pointing at his head? or is it straightup and down? STEVE
[This message has been edited by MR . SALTY (edited 08-05-2000).]


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