Clumsy Snail


I have a turbo snail that got himself in a pickle. :notsure:
I noticed him in the middle of a bunch of rocks the other day and didn't think anything of it until today I see he's in the same spot. :help:
I moved a rock and his foot wasn't attached to anything. I picked him up and got him to attach to the glass (really slowly) but 30 seconds later he had fallen to the bottom.

I flipped him over but half his foot is still not touching. He's moving his feelers just very little.

Is he a goner? Can I do anything to help him. :thinking:


Well I moved him to a rock in a higher flow area. The next day he had fallen from the rock to the bottom but was right side up. Later that day he had moved and has been active all week.
So I must have caught him before he starved to death.