C'mon everyone, who is the KING OF YOUR TANK?


Mine's the Flame Angel.
Happens to be my fav fish too in the tank! :D
How about yours? It will be interesting to know.. :p


It's a toss up.
The Lion is when it come to new commers,
The fire shrimp will attack the Lion if he gets close
The clarkii clown will take food out of the lions mouth if he has the chance
I guess it is all pretty balenced.

kevin r.

I made the same mistake as Wolfman. I have a Yellow Tail that thinks he runs the place. Luckily I have a Emerald Crab that keeps him in check.

fish magnet

All my fishes are pretty cool together. I guess I would have to say my batfish because he is the largest of all of them. Then tend to move out of his way when he comes by. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> He means no harm though.


Active Member
I have Yellow tang, rusty pygmy angel, tom clown, and little gramma. 2 cleaner shrimp and 1 fire shrimp in 55 gal. They all hang out together in a certain area of rock work, they have regularly scheduled meetings and social events, and play dates. Oh yeah, and of course cleaning sessions run by the shrimp, even my fire shrimp gets in on cleaning. I think the gramma is like little bro no one wants to play with cause he can't get any of em to play hide and seek with him. Anyway, the tang is the largest by far so right of way always goes to him. ;)


When it comes to my bubble tip it's my skunk clown. When it comes to new additions it's my maroon clown.


I've yellow tang and scopas tang that runs together, a maroon clown and true percula shares same hiding place, a pair of Hawkeye, a pair of Mandarin gobies and a blue and velvet damsel. Every one is sharing a 75 gal minireef tank without any problem at all. If I add new fish I do it at night time tho. That way they won't get picked up by others.


When i had damsels they were the two thugs and my Sebae Clown was Tony Soprano. Now Tony is the only one who pushes people around. My neon gobies stay out of the way. It'll be interesting when i start adding some more fish. Tony needs to be knocked down a peg.


New Member
That's easy. My clown. She bullied and killed the damsels that were in the tank when she was adding, she killed the yellow tang, watchman blenny, scooter blenny. umm there may be more I'm forgetting about. But no I won't get rid of her. She getting along with another clown right now, but I keep a close on the two of them.


Active Member
I'd say it depends - When I let one of the damsels command the tank I remove it and take it back to the LPS. My Sailfin is the big fish of the tank - he keeps the Seargent Major in control (they both have similar stripes)

mr . salty

Active Member
Without a doubt,,,My super HUGE green carpet anemone.Many fish have tried to dethrown it,But all have failed.Even a large porky puffer.If I were to add all them up(money wise) that anemone has gotta be worth 4to500 dollars....


Definately my three stripe damsel, half the size of every other fish in the tank, he reigns supreme. He has a super tail wiggle attack that sends the other fish reeling. It is quite interesting to watch as he swoops down on them, does a 180, and then swishes his tail back and forth in front of their faces. Doesn't seems scary to me, but my clowns fear him.


The king is with out a doubt the bamboo shark. I used to have 3 damsels but now I have two. Why? Because while I was feeding the shark one time, the damsel came up and ate a little piece of shrimp the shark left. This didn't make the shark too happy and the next thing I no the shark has latched on to the damsels face and wouldn't let go. Finally when he did(about 5min later) the damsel was dead. Now the damsels and tangs leave him alone.


my hippo tang is the king. The firefish had a cave for four months before the hippo arrived, now he is looking for a new home


New Member
All my fish get along well but its an unwritten rule to them that the Bursa Trigger is the badboy. The Grouper is no slouch though either. I have a Chromis Damsel that has the guts to steal the Rosies from the Triggers mouth :) .

jahlove 420

New Member
Well I caught the two damsels I used to cycle the tank about 3 months back, so I would have to say the regal angel. She is abour 4-5" now and even the tom clown wont mess with her.