CO2 and pH



Well, my pH is pretty much always been hovering around the 7.9 mark, and I don't really care cause I know that's not terribly "dangerous".
My calcium is 425 and my alk is 9dKh, so those are perfectly balanced, so for fun I decided to put "fresh" air into the room.
Now bear in mind this room is...was... a dining room so nobody ever really goes in there, but I gave it a shot anyway...
1:00 pm pH=7.8
3:30 pm pH=8.14
5:00 pm pH=8.27
Just a window fan has made that much difference.

But since we keep the air on and I won't be able to keep the window open forever, I'm gonna run a 1/2 inch tube to my 1/4 inch tube from outside to my skimmer.


Active Member
I run an airline from an air vent of the central air conditioning unit to my skimmer... This keeps it getting fresh air from rest of the house rather than the small room I have it in.


that's a huge difference in pH, almost a factor of 5. thanks for posting. how are you planning on running the tube outside...drill a hole in your house?


No, if I could drill into my house, I'd put the chiller out there, lol... Or even a vent so it can blow out there, like a dryer.
I'm thinking a window line.
Just leaving the window cracked a half inch won't hurt much in the way of AC.
I'd run it up to the vent as Sly suggested, but the window is closer and not on the ceiling, lol
Oh and FWIW, it only fell to 8.15 at night.


Active Member
Sounds good... hopefully the line won't freeze up in the winter or else you will have an overflowing skimmer. I have a drop down ceiling downstairs and I cut a small hole in the ductwork behind the ceiling and ran the airline to the hole and then put some silicon to seal it up. This way it draws clean air all the time and doesn't build up CO2 in the sump room...


Note location....
If it freezes up, I have bigger problems!! I don't even winterize the camper here!!LOL
But your right and I wouldn't have thought of that til I was posting about my water mess.


Active Member
Oh sorry... well then maybe you might want to be carefull about putting your airline outside. I'd hate to know that some hurricane lodged an entire oak tree in your air hose, causing your skimmer to overflow onto the floor.


Hmmmm... maybe Palm tree?

But your right! I better make sure all my trees are well supported before I run an airline out there to be exposed to god only know what.

Looks like I have a busy week in from of me.