Coaxing Clownfish



Hey there,

I have a mated pair of True Percula Clownfish...both beautiful and doing well in my tank...have had them about a week or two.
I just bought and put in a beautiful Green Bubble Tip Anemone into my is doing very well so far.
Is there any strategies that have been successful in the past to coaxing the Clownfish into hosting in the BTA? I know many people say it is just a toss-up thing and that you have to give it time, which I'm definitely willing to do, but if anyone has any advice to help speed this along, I would greatly appreciate it.
So far, they clowns stay in their favorite area of the tank and haven't noticed the BTA yet...


Active Member
One of the known ways is attaching a pic of clowns hosting.
Since they are so new, give it some time and they will eventually find and possibly host.


Active Member
I had that problem once and i used a large net and caught one of them and paced the net over the rock where the anemone was at. The clown eventually quit trying to get outof thenet and came across the anemone and since then, the other followed and now, pees and carrots.


Originally Posted by FISHY7
One of the known ways is attaching a pic of clowns hosting.
Since they are so new, give it some time and they will eventually find and possibly host.

Haha...good idea...I'll print out a pic of other clownfish hosting and see if they take notice to that

Yah, I don't mind giving them time...I was just wondering if there was a possibility to speed it up
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy

I had that problem once and i used a large net and caught one of them and paced the net over the rock where the anemone was at. The clown eventually quit trying to get outof thenet and came across the anemone and since then, the other followed and now, pees and carrots.

Good idea...I would rather not try to do something that might stress them or the other fish out...but if it comes to it...I might try something to this effect. Thanks!
Any one else with any more stories/advice?


Active Member
A BTA is not a well known host for Percula clowns . Carpets and Ritteri are more popular and seem to be easier to get to host .


Active Member
alot of times hosting is hit or miss. my buddies clowns took 4 months before they hosted. mine however took 10 minutes lol


Active Member
Same day I made this comment, I noticed that one of my pair of clowns (the ones I had to manipulate into the anemone, have spawned. woohoo. Took 2 months....


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
I had that problem once and i used a large net and caught one of them and paced the net over the rock where the anemone was at. The clown eventually quit trying to get outof thenet and came across the anemone and since then, the other followed and now, pees and carrots.

so you caught your clown in a net and then put him over the anenome until he stopped struggling?, just wanna know if ive understood correctly because i want to try it. and how long did this process take? like how long were you holding the net over the anenome? and also, did the clown start hosting immediatly after you done this?