Coco Worm


Ive heard that Coco worms are hard to keep. Is this true or what should I know about them??? Im considering getting one. Any help would be appreciated!


They are simple to keep. I have 4 in a 24 g. low flow, low to high light. sometimes they stay in their tube for a couple days to two weeks until they get acllimated to their new home.
Good luck.


Active Member
I do not think they need much care, however I have heard that they usually last only a year or so in a home aquarium. I have had mine for a little over a month and it recently lost its crowns. It still comes to the edge of the tube a lot so hopefully the crowns will grow back.


I have had 2 of mine for well over a year - one of those for over 2 years. I had one lose its crown once, but it grew back and looks better and fuller than the first one. They will (in my experience) do better in a dirtier tank, like that with mostly LPS. They are filter feeders, so when you feed you corals, they will munch on that. phyto., DTs oyster eggs, cyclopeeze, etc.


I just discovered in the last week that a very heavily encrusted piece of live rock I bought specifically to seed the coralline in my tank has a tiny baby coco worm attached to it... id say roughly 1 or 2 cm long, with a tiny purple-reddish crown. Maybe he'll grow into a big show worm!!


Active Member
If you get lucky, some species of coco worms change color like one of those fiber optic lamps. It is very neat to watch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
If you get lucky, some species of coco worms change color like one of those fiber optic lamps. It is very neat to watch.
Now that would be cool.


Originally Posted by theappe3
I just discovered another baby coco worm peeking out from between a crevise in the rock, about 2 inches from the one mentioned earlier.
I would say Im a rather lucky man...


Active Member
Big...awesome read.....thanks. Haven't made it to your neck of the woods, but will. Thanks for the article.


Upon a closer look, i think i just have two Bispira brunnea, not coco worms... but i think they be equally beautiful!
Coco worms seem like easy keepers to me. I just make sure I use phytoplankton each night when I feed and keep my calsium at the right levels and it does great. Its even grown about and inch within the last 2 months. Great addition.