Ive had dozens of small (slightly bigger than brine shrimp) white curly worms on my glass, snail shells, emerald crabs, etc. Ive also seen them at some LFSs. Any ideas???
Baby tube worms. They will not really do anything useful, and won't really increase in numbers either.
However, you say they are on your livestock? You may want to wait for other opinions... I've only seen tube worms on the glass.
They are on my glass an on snail and crab shells too. I clean them off the front, but let them go everywhere else. They dont seem to be a concern at all.
Try doing a search for spirorbidae or spirorbids on this board or the internet.
If they look like tiny white coils, it's most likely what you have.
Very normal to have these guys show up. They come in on live rock. Harmless filter feeders.