Well alot of you were askin bout what ya need. well you need
a dive flag
a clear net
some thing to scare the fish with a stick or somtin
Put the net were the fish run to
then poke around the fish
the fish will get scared
and swim into the net
pull the net up and fish only swim down or forward
by the time he figures out to swim up hes in your bucket.
If my dad had time we would have alot of fish.
Any one wanna here a bout catching crabs with pvc pipe
a dive flag
a clear net
some thing to scare the fish with a stick or somtin
Put the net were the fish run to
then poke around the fish
the fish will get scared
and swim into the net
pull the net up and fish only swim down or forward
by the time he figures out to swim up hes in your bucket.
If my dad had time we would have alot of fish.
Any one wanna here a bout catching crabs with pvc pipe