collecting localy

I live near the gulf of mexico. A friend of mine suggested going to the docks when the shrimp boats unload. He says they sort out the shrimp there and throw out anything else caught in the nets. He sasy he has seen all kinds of sea life just dumped over the edge. I wanted to start a local tank using local lr/ls and marine life. My tank has cyled using some crabs, clams, anemones and a few mollies. What kind of thing do you think one would proably collect. Just wondering before I drive down to the coast. Has anyone everheard of anyone getting anything worth the trip doing this? Also are there any small sharks in the gulf of mexico that stay small? Thanks for any positive input.


You might want to check with the local laws to find out if you need any liscence or permits before doing so. Also in regards to having a shark what size tank do you have. You need a pretty big tank to house a shark.


Active Member
Where do live near the Gulf of Mexico? I live in New Orleans and I scubadive in the Gulf all the time. There are somethings worth collecting off the rigs such as sponges and Sun Coral, blennies, crabs, worms and all kinds of other stuff. I don't know what you could get though at the dock.