Colony of baby aiptasia?


Active Member
There is a small colony on a rock, about 8 heads or so. I'm pretty sure its young aiptasia I just wanted to know what you guys think. This stuff is really small still and the peppermint shrimp I have isnt touching it. So how would i get rid of it when its this small? It's only on this one small rock. thanks for the help.



your peppermint shrimp isnt eating it? man, my peppermint shrimp gobbled up the aiptasia on my rocks like a me eating chocolate cake.


Active Member
sometimes it's hit or miss with peppermints. i've heard advice saying i should have at least 2 because they wont eat it unless in groups, i have heard that only the florida peppermints will eat it, some wont eat it if they are full, blah blah blah.


Active Member
thanks again Cranberry, always coming to my rescue

I read up on them, they are bad, similar to aiptasia and they will sting corals. Peppermints dont eat them so that explains that.
Some people use a lighter or torch to burn them off, boil the rock or smear the area with kalk paste or epoxy. Sounds like an easy job.