Colored feather duster ?


Hi. I have seen several people on these boards post pictures of their vibrant colored feather dusters. To the people that have these, where oh where do you get these?? I went to my LFS yesterday to see if the owner could order me one and he said he never heard of any special colored ones except the pink one that comes from Hawaii, (which I bought from him yesterday.) I checked on the web and couldn't find any there either. These colored ones must not be that common I guess. Anyway, I thought I would ask this question because I so want a vibrant colored feather duster myself. On a side note, has anyone ever ordered the duster cluster on this website? If so, were all the feather dusters the same color?


We've got reds, greens, yellows, and multi-colored fd's that came on the live rock. They are small (<1/2 "diameter) and they just grow here and there. Give it time and you should start seeing them eventually if you have LR. A lot of ours looks like Marshall Is LR, but we have some fiji and fl keys also.


Perhaps you're thinking of coco-worms? They're sort of like feather dusters in that they live in tubes and have crowns. But their crowns can be extremely bright and colorful. They are much more expensive than feather-dusters, too. I think I've seen coco-worms offered on this site. Do a search for "Hard Tube Coco Worms."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dmitry
Perhaps you're thinking of coco-worms? They're sort of like feather dusters in that they live in tubes and have crowns. But their crowns can be extremely bright and colorful. They are much more expensive than feather-dusters, too. I think I've seen coco-worms offered on this site.
IF you like colorful worms ..... get a Christmas Tree Worm Coral! They Are way nice and colorful!!! I got one and I love it!!!!!


Active Member
Coco worms are cool but much more expensive. I like my feather dusters. You can check them out the the film section. My LFS gets some very nice colored ones. I know a lot of the ones on the internet state that the color may vary. I like to see what I am buying. One of my LFS stores was supposed to be getting some red ones in and they turned out to be green. I got it anyway.


Thank you everyone for your comments. I will continue to look around for colorful ones in my area.
I put my new pink one in my QT tank that has 2 pieces of rock and an extra fine 4" sand bed. How often should I put the phytoplanton in this tank? The only inhabitants are 2 percula clowns and 2 pajama cardinals.


Phyto is for filter-feeders, not fish. So if you have a lot of corals or need to sustain a lot of pods, then use phyto. But don't use too much - you will get massive algae blooms on your glass. (Learned that the hard-way; still battling them!)


DM, I was just wondering how often I should feed my Featherduster with the phyto. I feed the fish flake food, brine shrimp etc. I do not have and never had algae in this tank, so I will be careful not to put to much phyto in the tank for the lone Featherduster. (My main tank has had hair algae, but not since I purchased my LMB.) Thanks for the advise.