Colt Coral and Christmas Tree Coral

salty rick

I was wondering if Colt Coral and Christmas Tree coral are low light corals. I am trying to decide on my next purchase. I am running four 36 watt NO flourecent, one is a 20,000K superdaylight, one 10,000K daylight and two atinic. I also run two 60 watt Sylvania Holgena which resemble mini MH. I use them to get the "shimmer" effect in the tank. If you go to my web pictures you can see that my polyps , mushrooms and leather are doing well with this lighting.
Thanks in advance.
Christmas tree coral does not have symbiotic algae and therefore doesnt really require the high light that some other corals require for feeding. Just remember that because the symbiotic algae is absent, that you MUST feed this coral for survival.


I used to have a christmas tree coral I thought it was not as interesting as most of the corals around. They are dark brown, dull, with many needle-like crystals at it's base, shaped more like pom-poms that are pointed. It has a pic at <a href="http://www.woldwidepetsupply" target="_blank"></a> if anyone wants to see.