colt coral, limpy limb


i just got a colt coral, all my parameters checks out good.
salinity is 1.025
temp 78 currently
nitrate 5
cal is 540's
ph 8.2
alk 3.6 meg/l
im not shure if i bought it this way or not(owned it one day), but on the tip of one of the branches, its a darker color and is limped down
any idea why its like this, the rest of it looks good. and all of the "flowers" on it are opened.
do i need to do something or will it heal itself?
i also just got an GBTA, and this morning he moved over to the colt coral, but i dont think this was the side the anemone toutched. so i moved the colt to the other side of the tank to keep him away, untill the anemone find his spot.
one other thing
do colt corals drop frags?
and what should i feed him


Active Member
colt corals feed mainly by photosynthesis. if that tip looks like it rotting, just cut it off. they do drop branches to reproduce. they r very hardy btw. gv it medium flow and lights.


Active Member
Mine got stung by my frogspawn and the part that got stung died off, i just clipped it off and its fine.