Colt Coral question...


ok i bought a frag from my LFS of a colored colt coral...i attached it to a piece of rock with a rubber band and i went to move this rock today and the coral split where the rubber band was attaching it ...i reattached it with less agressive rubber band ...did i attach it too tight the first time?


Well-Known Member
assuming that the coral is still ok and not decaying, I believe that it would be alright. The band was probably on tight, but that's ok. Just attach everything with gel superglue :D


Active Member
i have a green one that is so slimy superglue wont even stick to it. i had to stuff the colt into a crevace in the rock, then put a piece of rubble rock over it squishing it onto the rock.


Active Member
I have found that the easiest way to attach leather type corals is to stick a toothpick through the base and then rubberband the toothpick to a rock so that the foot of the leather is touching the rock. Then in a week or longer, you can take off the rubberband and gently slide the toothpick out. This worked well on my colt coral.


Active Member
I'm no expert on fragging, but for months I had problems getting super glue to work attaching my frogspawn to a rock. I bought Lcoktite Super GEL last weekend on the recommendation from someone on this forum and it worked like a champ. Locktite can be found at Lowes for sure and I believe Home Depot.


I had it happen to one of my leather frags.It split in two and both are doing find.Kinda funny i split it in half right down the middle of it.


so basically it really dont matter if it splits ...the more it splits the more frags u