colt coral-still hanging in?


here is my colt coral that came in the mail the pic is blurry but you can tell it is droopy and has no polyp extension is it still alive or should i take it out?
Dang can't put up picture....put the coral si purple about 2 inches and is dropping compeletly and has no polyp extention and can't hold itself up is it dead?


Colts close up when upset. I am guessing when you say there is no polyp extension that the coral is smooth right now and probably scrunched up. I would wait a few days before calling it quits, I have had a couple of bacterial problems with my colt over the year and rode it out with the colt looking like you explained for days. I found Vitamin C really helps colts and had aided healing in mine several times. Make sure you have the colt in high light and high flow. If it does die it will melt into "coral poo" looking stringy stuff, if that isn't hapening then leave it alone :)
Good Luck!
Here's my baby :) All 10 inches tall and 15 inches wide.