colt coral


Quick question on adding a colt coral or any for that matter are you supose to accliminate them the same way you would for fish? also is there i proper way to handle them when placing them in the tank rubber gloves etc ? thanks


I've added 2 in the last 3 months and did the same acclimation as anything else, I did it slowly.


I have several different kinds of coral. I put them all in straight from the bag to the tank, with no problems. They don't seem to get stressed. Ex. new frogspawn no acclimation opened up big within a few hours and is still living 2 months later.


I acclimate all of my corals slowly, adding my tank water to the bag every 15 minutes for an hour and a half. So far, the only corals I have lost were the ones that the rouge bi-color angel ripped up.

nm reef

Active Member
Personally I drip acclamate them slowly over a couple of hours...but I have a refugium in a room directly behind my display...and for me its a simple matter to set up a small bucket and start a drip syphon to get a coral ready to set in the tell the truth I'm not sure if its even needed...several people just remove them and place them in the reef...but for me its fairly easy to do it slow and give them time to adjust to the temp&salinity&levels of my system prior to placing them in the display