colt coral


On friday 3/8/02 I bought a colt coral and it was already attached to a little rock.I mounted the coral towards the bottom of the tank on a ledge with epoxy.two days later the coral looked like it was cut with a knife halfway through it where it was attached to the rock and was leaning over exposing the inside of the coral and some stuff was coming out of it which looked like strings of skin or mucus.So i put more epoxy on it around the base to hold it upright now it split somewhere else.What can i do?
ph 8.2,ammonia 0,nitrite 0,nitrate 15,calcium 400-450,alk 2.6-3.0,phosphate .02


Originally posted by Kelly:
It sounds like it is having a reaction to the epoxy, stop using it.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Yeah you don't want to put glue on animal tissue.