Colt Coral


New Member
I bought a colt coral and of course I am having trouble attaching it. I read all the articles on rubber banding, sewing, and glueing. My question is does it hurt to touch the thing? I have tried rubber banding it and it fell of twice. I am afraid that I will hurt it if I keep handling it.


I have fragged mine approx 7 times. All I do is fill a small bowl with water (enough to cover the colt coral and a small piece of rock that it will soon be attached to) take out your colt coral and place in the bowl. It will be a little slimmy (which is good). Next get you a small piece of live rock and dry it with a paper towel. Put you a good sized amount of GEL SUPER GLUE on the rock and remove your colt coral from its water and place the base of the stem in the glue. Hold there for approx 5 seconds or untill you feel that it is somewhat attached. Place the whole thing back into the bowl for approx. 5 minutes. (this will harden the glue)
I dont know that the gel glue marketed for this is any better than good ole GEL SUPER GLUE.
This is how I have always done it. :)

salty rick

I was able to find a hole in a piece of live rock and stuck it in there. It was a nice snug fit. I have heard that the super glue works well also.
How do you frag your Colt? Mine had three braches attached to one rock. One of them came off and I placed it in another part of the tank. Can you cut a piece from the Colt to frag?


The best way that I have found is to cut the colt with an extremely sharp knife(exacto) parallel to a split.
If you have a piece of colt coral that has branched off, "Y" shape,
then cut it along the center of the "Y" down.
Sorry if im not the best at explaining this.
Be prepared for the colt to excrete mucous. Its natural to happen.