Colt dying?Should I trash it?


For 2 straight days now my colt has been closed up. :mad: It doesnt look like its "sleeping"it looks more like a deflated ballon. If I fan it in the water tiny bits come off. Should I just yank and trash it? Is there a chance it could come back? Thanx for any help.


Active Member
Mine will do that for about seven days and then open back up. Its natural for all leathers to do that every now and then. I used to freak when mine did it and now I dont even think about it when they do it. It how they clean themselves. When you say tiny bits come off do you mean branches or flakes or goo ?


Its more like flakes. It looks like its melted over the rocks.Ive had it for 2 years and its never done this. Im a work for 11 hours a day and can't here if something goes wrong.


Active Member
I fit's closed up tight, I'd wait a few days. If it's a melting blob of goo I'd get it out. I had a beautiful one do that and I have yet to find out what the problem was.


Its hard to explain but Ill try
Its not like goo
It used to stand about 12 inches now its about 3
I can touch it and it wont break apart
Not closed more like its melted/deflated
I can wait to the weekend to see how it turns out because thats when Im off.


Active Member
Here is what my melted one looked like when I took it out. It had been about 8 inches tall and beautiful



Sorry about your loss. I feel your pain. By Friday morning mine was getting all melty and goopy.I cut it down to the stump and trashed it.
The stump is still pretty firm.I'm hoping for some new growth. Now my toadstool is acting funny.It still opens but not fully.
I dont know if its from the colt dying or whatever killed the colt. :confused: