columbian shark


hey, i just bought a columbian shark from my lfs. what is there behavior like?
just share your thoughts on them.


I just read a little bit about them and they can get 2 feet long but average around 1 foot and can eat other fish. Here is the website I ffound this on.


hey thanks!
it was 7.50. he is about 2 and a half inches...the guy had him in a saltwater aqarium and also had another in fresh so i put him in mine. hes pretty cool very active. fun to watch eat. i have fed him krill so far


Also they will get a type of parasite if kept in freshwater. So only keep in brackish or saltwater.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Oak
Also they will get a type of parasite if kept in freshwater. So only keep in brackish or saltwater.
thats not true at all, it is a freshwater fish that can be acclimated to brackish.. it is a catfish that gets a couple feet long, i used to keep a schoal of 4-5 in my 55 until they got to big, about 8 inches, then i put them in my friends pond.. they're still there to this day.. i don't see why your lfs would have them in saltwater, it doesn't make sense to me at all.


This is a photo of an adult Columbian Shark in freshwater with a bad skin condition. The juviniles don't usually get that skin condition. So here it is. I think.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Oak
This is a photo of an adult Columbian Shark in freshwater with a bad skin condition. The juviniles don't usually get that skin condition. So here it is. I think.
can i post a picture of a powder blue tang with ich, or some skin disease.. and say its cause of saltwater?? and they need to be in freshwater??
every lfs i've ever been to keeps columbians in freshwater.. and the ones i had for over a year in freshwater.. and the pond they live in have all been fine in freshwater.., notice they are catfish.. and are more commonly caught in freshwater..


Some do better in brackish and some do better in freshwater and yes I do agree about that they are are more commonly found in freshwater. It probably does better in freshwater if has been freshwater its whole life but the one Weezer has not so he should he keep it in brackish or salt. Also sorry I annoyed you.


I had one before and I thought that they start in freshwater and when they get older they would convert to saltwater.


Originally Posted by fishkid2
I had one before and I thought that they start in freshwater and when they get older they would convert to saltwater.
Actually thats what I read to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by weezer591
it has whiskers like a cat fish but its a shark

It is not a shark. It is a catfish. Like many other freshwater fish with this body shape, it is called a "shark" but it definitely isn't one.
On the other hand, it looks like one, and is much easier to keep than a real shark


It is a brackish catfish, labeled as a cat/shark. I have had many of them. They do well as babies/juveniles in FW. They do better in Brackish as they get older and can be acclimated into saltwater. I have acclimted a few into saltwater. These are very hearty fish. They migrate into FW to give birth, but they live in salty rivers, but not the ocean. They certainly can be slowly acclimated into salt. As Ophiura stated they are not, by any means, a true shark.