Coly coral issues


Hi all,
I have a colt coral that has been in my tank since the begining. It has almost doubled in size..untill the last 2 days.
It seems to have retracted , and has a type of 'skin" that is comming off of it. The base shows no signs of stress, actually very thick and "fleshy".
Anyone have experience with Colt behaviors?
All water Parameters are pretty close to optimal. Here they are as of today...
Salinity 1.025
Temp 79.6-81.9
nits 0
ammonia o
trates 0
phos 1.0 ( and decreasing)
calcium 450
Any help or guidance will be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
You might get a better response in the reef forums. I'll take a stab at this one.
One possibility is that the coral is shedding. Some corals will do this periodically and then completely recover. I had this happen to a pink leather coral of mine.