Combining triggers


I have a reef tank and I am wanting to start up a second tank with aggressive fish. I love triggers so I want one of them to be a clown trigger. It is possible to add a Huma Huma and Niger in with the clown trigger? Is there a better trigger trio that would be better suited together (the clown has to be one of them). Also if im starting with 2-3" fish. Would a 55 gallon work or should it be 75, or 125?? I know bigger is better but the reef tank I have is a 125 and im not sure if my wife wants 2 of the 125 gallon tanks in the house:D


Get the biggest tank that you can afford. Those triggers that you chose are all compatable, but they do get large. If you can, buy at least a 150 gallon + tank for them. I've seen clown triggers up to 10" in length, so they need a large tank for them to swim.


Active Member
Sadly, unless we're talking at least 100 gallons, dont even try. The reward for your efforts in anything less would just be mangled triggers.


If you want to keep a clown trigger with any tankmate, you have to have at least 120g tank (hopefully bigger). If your circumstances do not allow you to have a big tank, then you've got to keep your clown by himself. Overcrowding does not work for extremely aggressive triggers like clown.