Coming out of QT - Should I dip?


I have several fish that will be coming out of QT in the next few weeks. (Koran Angel, Flame Angel, Niger Trigger, Foxface) I've heard that methlelyne blue dips would not be a bad idea to do before placing the fish in the show tank? Do you recommend it or do you think that it will add unneeded stress to the fish?


Staff member
I see no point in doing that. Would only stress the fish which would expose them some other disease process. If they have been treated adequately in QT, then you should not need to worry about anything else.


Just to chime in...
I usually do the type of dip you are referring to PRIOR to putting my fish (sometimes a new arrival from IN the Quarantine setup itself. Furthermore I actually add the Methyl-blue (forgive my spelling and possibly not exact discription of the substance but I am answering this on the fly with best recollection of my Q methods which I have not used for over a year... i.e. my tank is currently stocked to capacity)... I actully add the Methyl-blue to pH corrected FRESH water and dip the fish for 3+ minutes (I use a stopwatch and did tons of research on what others have done prior to deciding on this part of my regimen). Then the fish goes straight into my Q system which eventually gets dropped to Hypo levels (1.009) during the next 2 days.
It is true that the fish gets stressed by all this but in my case it is going INTO a treatment, not coming OUT of one in which case Beth has a point that you probably do not want to create any additional stress in the fish when returning him to your main system.
Bravo to you for Quarantining!!! Truely the only responsible effective way to keep fish for a long, long, time... (I have a medium sized standard Naso Tang going on 8 years old).