Coming soon!!! Apartment Depot!!


Active Member
Everyone is always talking about Home Depot this . . . Home Depot that. Home owners all across america can all go to Home Depot and get all kinds of stuff to fix their home.
Well, I was driving across town the other day and I couldn't believe what I saw . . . an Apartment Depot! Apparently this is the newest Apartment improvement store sweeping across america. I had to see what the deal was with this place, as I do live in an apartment.
So I go inside and there are a bunch of people all standing around in basically an empty warehouse saying "We ain't gotta fix S#@T!"

nm reef

Active Member
LMAO...and if that venture turns a profit for the corporate masses...just wait until they open a chain of "MobileHome Depots"...


Active Member
Good one, 00.
Originally posted by NM reef
LMAO...and if that venture turns a profit for the corporate masses...just wait until they open a chain of "MobileHome Depots"...

Yeah, it would just be aisles and aisles of duct tape.


Active Member
I can't take credit for the punch line, but the story is mine!
I am having one of those "I hate living in apartments and want to buy a house but I can't afford it" days.


Active Member

Originally posted by rbmount
Hey NM, reckon TrailersRUs can hook me up with some underskirting?

Man, you gotta be %^$#@ me! Someone actually lives in that thing? :eek: