

Here is my setup(fish only for now):
55 gallon long glass tank
crushed coral substrate
AquaTech 60 hang-on filter
Millenium 3000 hang-on filter
250 watt heater
3 170gph VisiJet powerheads
VisiJet PS100 Protein skimmer
2 NO 24" flourescents
Soon to be 25# Fiji LR from (ordered)
2 artificial coral/plant decorations (too cute, couldn't resist)
What I do not have, but plan on adding:
UV Sterilizer
RO filtration
Ozonizer (opinions? Yes? No?)
reef lighting (after maturation, 6+ months)
**What is the order of importance for these add-ons?**
Livestock I want:
2 clowns
1 flame *or* coral beauty angel (which would be best with the other 3?)
1 powder brown tang
10 scarlet reef hermits
10 blue leg hermits
30 turbo snails
3-5 peppermint shrimp
Ok, this is what I have or plan to add. I realize a DSB is better, but I want to stick with the CC for now. I will add the DSB later, probably with the reef lighting. As for the fish, I realize the bio-load is a bit high, but I'm hoping I can make it work. If not, I can take back a fish (already discussed it with my LFS, which they also told me that would be pushing it.) Another note, I know hte powder brown tang is a gamble in my tank, but I have my heart set on him, he's one of the main reasons I decided on saltwater, and i'm willign to risk being set back $50 if he doesn't do well. (cross your fingers for me) :) I would greatly appreciate any comments/suggestions you all may have. I have learned a tremendous amount in the last week or two on this BB, and I respect everyone's seasoned experience and opinions. I can't say "Thank You" enough :)


Active Member
Okay ...
Sounds like a decent plan.
I agree with you on the tang, but will not get into this debate.
UV - up to you, but if you're moving towards a reef tank NO. If FOWLR won't hurt, and will do you good IMO.
Ozone - not necessary IMO
I will always say YES to an RO unit !
Reef lighting - depends on the inverts you want to keep.
One thing I would do differently - if you know a DSB is better, and you plan to change out the CC eventually - there's no time like the present. Especially if you'll be adding live rock soon.
I'd put the LR in a plastic container w/powerhead and small heater, let it cure for awhile and monitor the water.
Change out the CC now.
Will be much easier job and less stress on fish inverts down the road if you set everything up now - THEN disrupt their world to change substrate later.
Good luck


I would agree with Broomer about the DSB vs CC. Changing substrate is a royal pain and the combination of moving your fish and reintroducing them into a changed environment is probably going to induce stress..
Concur about the Tang too. The problem is, ich seems to appear when the environment or the fish is stressed, and if you're pushing the bio load AND you have a fish that is prone to ich like tangs are...
Any possible way to scale back on another fish? Those tangs are so gorgeous that it would be a shame to stack the deck against him. I'm not trying to be the forebearer of doom and gloom, just playing devils advocate. If it works, that's going to be one COOL tank to see. Good luck!


just a note the tang should be added after the tank is well established may put less stress on the fish. the powder brown is not reccomended for beginners since they are more of the delicate tangs. the angels shouldnt be added right away either but are a little hardier than the tang (but easiest of the angels). the clowns are great 1st fish i would suggest starting with them until you have a good idea what your doing and in the meantime read up on the dwarf angels and tangs so your ready for them when u do get them