Comming Soon...


Its loking like after 3 months I will finally be getting my first fish! :D
My tank parameters are:
Ammonia - 0PPM
Nitrite - 0PPM
Nitrate - 15PPM
PH - 8.0
Phosphate - 0.25
Calcium - 400PPM
Temperature - 80 Degrees
Hydrometer - 1.025
I do realize that my nitrates are alittle high, but Im working on bringing them down with 10% RO water changes weekly. Can anybody see any problems, or have suggestions on things to change before adding my first fish?
Alittle more info:
25 Gallon tank
Aragamax 2-3" sand bed substrate
15lbs live fiji rock
5lbs base rock
Penguin 1140 power head
Hagen 301 Power head
Aqua clear 200 HOB filter with foam, and carbon media
Penguin Mini HOB filter with phosphate remover media
100 watt heater
20Watt Power Glow flourescent canopy
Current Livestock
1 Cleaner shrimp
1 Pepermint Shrimp
1 Marble Star
4 Turbo snails
2 Dwarf Blue legged Hermit crabs
In the near future:
2x65 Watt Power compact fixture.
Seaclone 100 Protien skimmer
More live rock
Any and all input is appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read. :happy:


:cheer: :cheer: What fish are you gonna get?? Oh yeah... and don't forget to cure the LR (if it isn't already) BEFORE you add it to the tank.
Yippee, the reward of patience. Feels good huh?


imo when you get the lr and the skimmer get rid of the hob filters because they are trate traps if you don't clean them regularly. other than that its looking good and be patient.


Penguin Mini HOB filter with phosphate remover media
I would ditch that and just get a phosphate reactor. You can get a reactor and media for $45 HERE


Aqua C Remora, the best hanging skimmer for tanks 75 gal and under. Start saving your money now. :)


I wouldnt use phophate media, just use a protein skimmer..or youll need to keep buying the media, and to me, is a waste.