Common Fish/Invertebrate Diseases?


New Member
What diseases are common to both fish and invertebrates?
Say... If I had a new fish in a QT as a precautionary measure and for some reason the ammonia or nitrite spiked and I needed to quickly move the fish to a reef tank so it didn't die.
If it had some as of yet unknown diease would it spread to the reef tank and kill all the shrimp/crabs/snail/corals, etc.?
If the problem was rectified in the QT tank quickly and the fish was put back in QT would any disease stay dormant in the main tank until a fish was introduced and then go after the fresh-from-QT fish?


Staff member
Fish and inverts do not carry the same diseases. If you read the FAQ section stickied to the top of this fourm, and follow that advise, you wouldn't get ammonia spikes in your QT.


New Member
Thanks for the lecture...
I did read the FAQ.
I don't have ammonia was a what if scenario since some people don't always do their research or have the resources to do everything the way you say to, but still want to protect their pets. Sometimes emergencies create other minor emergencies.
It's good to know that there are no common diseases.


Staff member
Thanks for biting my fins off! :rolleyes: I wasn't lecturing just trying to answer your question. I commonly refer people to the FAQ if it applies. I didn't just write that up for the heck of it. I did it to help people take care of their fish [and because I got MANY requests from members here to post info on QT]. And I don't agree that anything I recommend here is too costly. What is too costly is to buy fish and for them to die because the hobbyist doesn't know how to care for them.
I spend a lot of time giving advise here, but I've never forced anyone to take that advise. My post to you was a response to your question, nothing more. Believe me, I don't have time to waste on lecturing anyone. There are too many other people willing to listen to good advise for me to waste time lecturing someone who doesn't want the advise or who resents hearing it.
BTW: The FAQ threat addresses avoiding getting ammonia spikes in QTs that are set up in an emergency.