Common north atlantic starfish


New Member
My husband went sea fishing... and brought home a common north atlantic starfish (NJ Ocean) to put in our salt water tank. I've heard he'd definataly die. I don't know how long that would take, but he's been holding on for a couple weeks now. My question is... should I try to keep him, and try to feed him? I've researched and found that they eat live shell fish. However, I have not seen him go to the bottom to search for food or anything. I am worried about him. Should I bring him back to the ocean tomorrow?... or will he just die anyway if I do that? I reallly want him to be ok. Can anyone give me any insight? Can you keep a star fish from these waters in a salt water tank? Please let me know what you think I should do. Thanks.
- Jen :help:


personally I think putting an animal from the ocean in your tank might have been a bad decision because of bacteria or parasites that may be on it!!! as far as if he will die.... if your not willing to get live clams somehow for him.. yup hes a gonner! sorry
hope you figure something out!!!:confused:


Active Member
They aren't tropical water animals...I think it's to late, but for his sake and the sake of your tank, I'd bring it back to the ocean. :D
My mistake...I don't know if your tank is tropical. :thinking:
I'd still bring it back though. :yes: