Community Compatibility?


Hello all I need your help.
I have a 55g FOWLR running for about 2 years with these fish:
Juv emperor angel 3.5"
Yellow Tang 3.5"
Coral beauty 2"
False Percula 3"
Mex. Rock Wrasse 4"
Flame Hawk 3"
The emperor and Tang have been there the longest. I realize that these fish will be outgrowing my tank soon (I didn't know much at the beginning and that is why I stocked my tank this way). My question is what do you think about the rest of the community...there has been no agression thus far, but I know that ill need to be making some moves soon.
Let me know what you think I should do.


Active Member
As you know, it's just a matter of time before something has to give. I think finding homes for the emperor and tang would be in order. The rest should do fine together for a long time.
What kind of filtration do you have for that load?


I have a wet/dry system and a hefty protein skimmer.
Water quality has been constant for quite a while.
When I move the tang (the emperor is very docile as you can tell by living with a coral beauty so ill let him stay a bit longer) what fish could i replace him with? Could you guys give me some ideas...and again this is what I have stocked in the tank:
<To Stay>
Flame Hawk
Mex. Rainbow Wrasse
Coral beauty
False Percula
<To be moved>
Yellow Tang


Active Member
IMO , after moving emperor AND tang, you can get a royal gramma OR another perc. and sit back and enjoy.


Active Member
I think one of the sand sifting gobies would make a nice addition. There are many choices available to you with that combo. In fact, a snow flake eel would be cool too.
Good Luck!


Flamehawk: that is what I had in mind actually. I saw a RG at the LFS the other joke it was like 4" and it was thick. I have never seen such size on one before.
As far as the snowflake...would that work in my tank? Wouldn't it eat or possibly injure the other fish? The reason i ask is because it is piqued my interest :)


Active Member
IMO snowflake is not an option. Your fish are not compatable and a 55 is too small for a snowflake. Again IMO. I'd go for the "fat" RG and call it a day. Good luck.