Community FOWLR stocking ????


I would like some suggestions for a begginer. I have a 125 gallon tank with 50 lbs livw rock. I would like a big variety in my community tank I would like some fish that get a little big but not too big and some that stay around 2-6 inches. My gf would like some angels and I would like a lion not sure which one yet still reading on that but what kind of fish do I start with and what type of algae cleaners do I put in the tank. I haven't found a book that suggests community vs terratorial or anything else. Can someone please help me on stocking and a timeline for when to put them in the tank?


Active Member
ok in the beginning after you cycle i would get um like 5 or 6 green chromis very cool when they swim around
lions are not as much territorial as lazy except for at night i would have a lion in a community tank.
I would have any kind of angel in their dwarf or regular size until the tank is well established around 8 months of tank age in my opinon.You could get a yellow tang or a kole tang but if you get the yellow try to add them last since once they establish a territory they defend it and harass other new fish.As far as a cleaning crew I would do um like 60 turbos or so.Some margarita snails,a couple of emerald crabs,like 30 scarlet hermits and and some blue legs.
Hope this helps some:rolleyes:

david s

UM wont the lion eat the chromis ??? and shrimp and stuff ?? chromis are a good start they school and are freindly fish tangs are great but if you get tangs make sure you add a cleaner shrimp it helps keep them healthy IMO no tank is complete without a pair of clown fish too
hmm jw beat me again me and you picked about the same fish hehe