Comp. People. IE question.


Active Member
OK first of all my machine is old I know it. Forget the exact specs right now, but the main thing is that when I view this site in Internet Explorer the smilies run slow and if there are a lot of smilies on a page I can't view the page ver well it is so slow. So I tried using Netscape and the pages load quickly and I can even use the smilies see.
:jumping: So my question is what is the difference, basically. And is there any setting I can chage in IE to use it properly.
Any help for me?



What version of IE are you running? (Help --> About) Is it the most updated? That would be your starting place..


You should also consider the fact that you may have spyware that affects IE specifically, possibly affecting your load speed. If you do have spyware, its a headache to get rid of and you might just be better off using another browser.


Staff member
Or it could be that you just don't have enough memory? When is the last time you cleaned out your cache? Your IE Temp files? Cookies? Done a D-Frag?


Active Member
Well this is why you ask the questions. I guess thinking about it, it has been awhile since I have cleaned up the ole computer. Guess I could start there tomorrow. I just thought it was weird that this site is slow for me using IE but using Netscape it was fine. I am using IE 6.02, I am sure there is a more corrent version but newer versions usually take up more memory. BTW it is a 1.33 Gig with 384 Megs of RAM. I know it is low but when I tried to add more RAM I found this computer only has 2 slots. So it is more replacing RAM than adding on. Somehow we cal always find something better to buy that more RAM.