compatability with clean up crew


New Member
hi everyone
im doing a non-agressive fo tank soon, and i need to know what groups of fish usually associated with non-aggressive fo tanks that are incompatable with a clean up crew
id like to get a clean up crew from once the tank is done cycling, is it wise to put those guys in first, or should i wait untill im done stocking?
thanks -t


Cleanup crew first- that's the easy answer. There are so many'll probably need to do a lot of looking and reading to get an idea of what you want, then read up on your list of picks from several different sources, and ask here about what experiences people have had with specific fish or combinations.
I can tell you from experience that some sites will say a fish (the Foxface, for example) is "reef safe" while another will say it "may nip at soft corals" and in my experence a 4 inch Fox can chow down an entire Tonga Leather in 2 days. If you read "may" or "sometimes been known to" about a fish, the one you get will do all those things and more!