Compatibility Issues


New Member
I have a 75 gal. with 2 green chromis, 2 PJ cardinals, 2 firefish, 1 brittle star, 1 cleaner shrimp(he's sooo coool).
Can anyone tell me if a yellow watchman goby would get along with my firefish? :thinking: If so, are there any other shrimp they would pair up with besides a pistol? My tanks been up for 8 months now. I would appreciate any other suggestions too! I'm trying to stick with the more peaceful, less expensive fish since I'm a newbie.


New Member
the goby would be fine. if you paid $20-$30 for the cleaner shrimp (which in my opinion are VERY cool) then you would not mind paying about $30 for a purple firefish goby. It will school (or hangout) with the regular fire gobies. The purple firefish (along with the regular firefish) are very hardy and disease resistant. :joy: