compatibility of shrimp

nm reef

Active Member
Yup......I've kept shrimp...and blood reds in my 100 display for about two years now....along with a tiger pistol problems between them at all. The only species readily available that I've avoided is the coral banded shrimp. From what I hear they can be problematic.......


nm reef

Active Member
These pics of a cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp I found on-line via a google images search.....



Thanks so much for you help and advice!! Guy at LFS told us we couldn't have both and we couldn't have more than one cleaner. We've seen on this site that we could have more than one cleaner but, it didn't say that you couldn't keep them together so we just wanted to make sure before we went and got one. I love this site....don't know if I like the LFS though. :mad: You know what would be a dream of mine...I know the people on this site are from all over, everyone should open a store and put the LFS stores out of business that don't know anything. Unfortunately, I'm from a very small town and I have to travel a good distance to go get any fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
These pics of a cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp I found on-line via a google images search.....
that top pic.. is that shrimp holding the clown????


hey nm reef i just put a peppermint shrimp in with my niger trigger and he ate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is this normal and is there other fish we should worry about?

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
that top pic.. is that shrimp holding the clown????

Looks to be earnin'his keep. Cleaning a clown smaller than he is.....I liked the pic for that reason.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by nicole05
hey nm reef i just put a peppermint shrimp in with my niger trigger and he ate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is this normal and is there other fish we should worry about?

That supports my position that if I had a niger I don't believe I'd be much interested in adding any ornimental shrimp.
I guess it is done.....risky at best...but possible.
The key to this hobby...and to success keeping what can be expensive to know stuff like that "before" the purchase is made or "before" a decission to mix temperments are made.


still a little new can you tell i knew i had to have clean up a crew and thought that he was nice addition thought wrong

nm reef

Active Member

I have it saved and may use it for a desktop favorite....or possibly as part of my screen saver file. very nice photo......looks to be photoshopped a lot.......maybe.....but it is a really nice shot.