compatibility w/ damsels

just want some opinions on this please: i have 3 blue damsels in my fo tank right now. would it be an appropriate move to introduce clown fish next into the tank or would this cause WWIII? if so, what would be recommended as to which kind of fish i could put in next that could hold their own since the damsels are quite territorial. i know everyone has their own opinions on which fish to put in first and some of you may chastise me for putting the damsels in first, but you live and learn. Any opinions? thanks.


IMO. Take the damsels back to the lfs. I love the clown fish and you can have a couple of percs. but not with damsels. They become very aggressive and mean and will chase and stress out your other fish (causing diseases).
ty VkeSu. i do realize i may have made a mistake in this choice. The reason i chose damsels was to cycle the tank. do most fs take their fish back and give credit for the fish? i have never done this before.
ty VkeSu. i do realize i may have made a mistake in this choice. The reason i chose damsels was to cycle the tank. do most fs take their fish back and give credit for the fish? i have never done this before.


Active Member
alot of lfs will, call and ask them, what can it hurt
and if they will, i would, ours did(now i know about shrimp and lr, didn't then)


I made the same mistake a long time ago! I had to eventually tear down 125# of lr to get rid of him. My clowns were being harrassed! You won't get as much as you paid, but it is worth getting them out of your tank. Call around to your lfs and find someone who will.


A pair of Percs or almost any clowns would do ok as long as they are a bit bigger than the damsels, they are all members of the same family. Just stay away from skunk clowns because they need anemones!
ty all for your input. i did inquire about it and they said they would take them back and issue store credit. Appreciate all your help everyone, thank you!