New Member
I was wondering if you could check out my list of fish I am going to pick up and let me know what you think. Obviously there are personal opinions, I am more looking for if they will work together, if I have to many, or any other important things I need to know.
1 - Royal gramma
1 - Lawnmower blennie
2 - Percula Clownfish (I know the debate about 1 or two, I have had two before and it has worked out. My LFS said that I should go in odd numbers, curious what people think)
1 – Yellow Tang or possibly a Naso Tang
5 – Green Chromis
Maybe a wrasse if someone can suggest one that might be good for me.
I am attempting to pick fish that are pleasant looking, somewhat affordable, and durable. I have been out of the hobby for a few years and am getting back into it now. There could be some mistakes. The tank that these will be going into is 55 gallon bow front that I will be setting up a sump for. The eventual plan is to turn it into a reef tank with coral and anemone….. baby steps first.
1 - Royal gramma
1 - Lawnmower blennie
2 - Percula Clownfish (I know the debate about 1 or two, I have had two before and it has worked out. My LFS said that I should go in odd numbers, curious what people think)
1 – Yellow Tang or possibly a Naso Tang
5 – Green Chromis
Maybe a wrasse if someone can suggest one that might be good for me.
I am attempting to pick fish that are pleasant looking, somewhat affordable, and durable. I have been out of the hobby for a few years and am getting back into it now. There could be some mistakes. The tank that these will be going into is 55 gallon bow front that I will be setting up a sump for. The eventual plan is to turn it into a reef tank with coral and anemone….. baby steps first.