Compatible Fish? Help the newbie


New Member
I was wondering if you could check out my list of fish I am going to pick up and let me know what you think. Obviously there are personal opinions, I am more looking for if they will work together, if I have to many, or any other important things I need to know.
1 - Royal gramma
1 - Lawnmower blennie
2 - Percula Clownfish (I know the debate about 1 or two, I have had two before and it has worked out. My LFS said that I should go in odd numbers, curious what people think)
1 – Yellow Tang or possibly a Naso Tang
5 – Green Chromis
Maybe a wrasse if someone can suggest one that might be good for me.
I am attempting to pick fish that are pleasant looking, somewhat affordable, and durable. I have been out of the hobby for a few years and am getting back into it now. There could be some mistakes. The tank that these will be going into is 55 gallon bow front that I will be setting up a sump for. The eventual plan is to turn it into a reef tank with coral and anemone….. baby steps first.


i think your list will be fine but you will get objection about the tang. I personally have a yellow tang in my 55 gallon but many people say they can't live long term in that small of a tank


I really wouldn't put a tang in that small of a tank. I have a 50gal Hex and have a sixline wrasse who is so cool. I also have issues with my damsels though and am going to be rid of one soon to the LFS.
I would say it is great with the exception of the tang as they get BIG and also love to swim, get a smaller wrasse and you should have happy guys.


Originally Posted by ontario1
I was wondering if you could check out my list of fish I am going to pick up and let me know what you think. Obviously there are personal opinions, I am more looking for if they will work together, if I have to many, or any other important things I need to know.
1 - Royal gramma
1 - Lawnmower blennie
2 - Percula Clownfish (I know the debate about 1 or two, I have had two before and it has worked out. My LFS said that I should go in odd numbers, curious what people think)
1 – Yellow Tang or possibly a Naso Tang
5 – Green Chromis
Maybe a wrasse if someone can suggest one that might be good for me.
I am attempting to pick fish that are pleasant looking, somewhat affordable, and durable. I have been out of the hobby for a few years and am getting back into it now. There could be some mistakes. The tank that these will be going into is 55 gallon bow front that I will be setting up a sump for. The eventual plan is to turn it into a reef tank with coral and anemone….. baby steps first.
Everything else sounds fine, with the exception of the Tangs
I honestly wouldn't suggest any Tang's in a 55. They can get pretty big and are very active swimmers.
As far as the Percs go, you can definitely have one or two. You won't find many here that will suggest more than two, though, as two will pair up against the one, and eventually the one will die from stress.
Not sure if you know much about Chromis (or Damsels) but they're known to get pretty territorial with other fish, however, I will say that the Blue-Green Chromis are supposed to be the most docile.
As far as wrasse's go, it seems like everyone loves the Six-Line Wrasse. I believe SWF sells them...
If you're looking for colorful, personable fish, as always, I highly suggest the Midas Blenny. I have one, and he is the King of the tank and my favorite

Not sure if you're interested in puffers, but Valentini Puffers are awesome. However, it's hit-or-miss, as far as them being reef-safe. Mine likes to knock my hermit crabs off the LR and suck them out of their shell. It's quite entertaining to be honest. He hasn't bothered the Emerald Crabs from what I've seen, and my Coral-Banded Shrimp can hold his own against just about anything. He also hasn't bothered my zoo's or GSP's...
Just my $.02!


Active Member
As was said above, everything looks good except for the tang. You MAY be able to get away with a yellow tang in a 55 for a little while, but I wouldn't recommend it. A Naso is definitely out though.