

Need help here. My tank is about a month old. I have two clowns, two dominoes damsels, 1 coral beauty. I had a powder blue surgeon, and a LN butterfly. Found the PBS and LNB dead this A.M. They both had ich which I have been treating in the main tank. The ich had cleared up. Could they have been stressed out by one of my other fish mentioned above? My water levels are pretty much right on. I dont know what to do. Any suggestions? I am getting a Hippo Tang tomorrow and would like to add another PBS, LNB, and Naso tang. I also have 1 sabea anemone, and 1 cleaner shrimp. I used Kick-Ich to treat the tank. Could that have been the culprit that killed my fish?:help:


Active Member
A tang in a 55 will never do well and more than likely the stress from the overcrowiding led to the ich which led to the death of your fish. Not to mention thats a heavy bio load for a 1 month old tank, did you go through a proper cycle? I have used kick-ich in the past and never had problem and this was used in a reef tank. Damsels also can be very aggressive so that is also a possibility.


i think the demise of your fishes is no suprise. powder blue tang is one of the more challenging surgeons to keep because of their aggressiveness and susceptiblity to many diseases (especially external parasites). they do not do well under less than optimal conditions. since your pws was kept in 55, being cramped could actually promote/worsen/accelerate the infestation by ick. LN butterfly is more sensitive to water conditions than most other fishes....and adding any more tang.......unless you want the same tragedy to happen to your future fishes.....(hippo tang+LNB+PBS+Naso=a ticking time bomb that's about to detonate) don't make the same mistake!


why do you say that.? can these fish not live in harmony? Or is it just too early to add the fish I want?


yes, it is possible....but definitely not in 55...........for example, hippo tang by himself needs at least 120 to thrive......and you want powder blue and naso besides hippo?....simple no way......this is just not about swimming space, but territoriality issues....another problem is that your tank is only a month old, and you managed to put powder blue and LN butterfly in your tank.....they need a fully mature tank.....this is just a bare minimum might want to let your tank cycle before adding any fish to your tank.....also please consider their full grown sizes before buying fishes......if you must have a tang in your tank, you can put yellow tang....or any other zebrasoma species that does not get unmanageably big (although people recommend 75 as a minimum for tang, but i've seen many people having kept their tangs successfully in 55 for a long time)....hope this helps