Competition for food

Ok I have a royal gamma, 2 damsels and 2 clowns in a 60 gal. tank..
The royal gamma eats everything in sight, and the damsels do too, and the poor clowns always get left with nothing.. :( What should I do?
The clowns are really dosile, they dont have an aggressive bone in their body and they dont swim around a lot.. :confused:


Active Member
How about putting 1/2 the quantity of food on each end of the tank? Some will go to one area, some to the other.
hmmm.. yeah well my whole tank was pretty saturated with brine shrimp because I accidently put too much in.. and the royal gamma is so fast he pretty much got ALL of it.. and the damsels got some and the clowns probably got 4 or 5 brines a piece.. :(


You can feed one end of the tank for the damsels and the royal gramma and feed your clowns by hand.(Thats what i use to do because like you, in my 55gallon my royal gramma was a gretty mug...


Active Member
In my 35, I have to feed all the fish by hand because of a greedy CBS that will eat any little thing that was once alive. :D I agree that feeding your clowns by hand might be ths best thing that you can do. Besides, doing so will help your fish become more active and more attached to you since they will see you as sort of a "safe haven" so to speak. Ok, now I just sound like a freakin' pet psychologist...


Active Member
What I do is feed the others (such as the CBS) on one side of the tank like normal. Then I take a pinch of food in my fingers and put it directly in front of the fish that I specifically want to feed. That way none of the other "Hoovers" get all the food. I do this with my clowns in the 20 gallon tank...they will swim up to my fingers and sometimes may eat larger pieces right out of my grip!