complicated questians

sign guy

Active Member
ok I have three questians
1 If I have three 400w 10000k MH's how many 03 antic pc will I need?
I think 4 96w 36 inch pc's wiil work but I am not shure
2 How dose a ozinizer work and what all do I need to set it up?
I have asked this questian befor but am still having problems finding enough info
3 how dose a cal reactor work and what are the boneses of running one compared to a calkwrasser or hand dosing?
I have a feeling I am going to have to bump this a few times

sign guy

Active Member
Better yet let me rephrase questian #2
What is the difference between an ozone genirator and an air pump?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
1 If I have three 400w 10000k MH's how many 03 antic pc will I need?
I think 4 96w 36 inch pc's wiil work but I am not shure
Didn't mention size of tank...?? Depth..?
Actually , the MH listed should give coverage and penitration to depth , only need for actinic would be to "colorize" tank to your well as dusk/dawn lighting...
2 How dose a ozinizer work and what all do I need to set it up?
I have asked this questian befor but am still having problems finding enough info
Ozinizer adds O3 to water colum generally being injected into skimmer chamber for maximum mixing and then run thru carbon to remove before being returned to tank...You do not want residual O3 in tank...
3 how dose a cal reactor work and what are the boneses of running one compared to a calkwrasser or hand dosing?
Hand doseing takes time...Kalk reactor adds calcium and calcium reactor adds alkalinity (I know sounds backward??)
The two "compliment" each other in keeping water levels stabil and high pH of Kalk reactor balances low pH effulent of Calcium reactor...

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Didn't mention size of tank...?? Depth..? 30inch
Actually , the MH listed should give coverage and penitration to depth , only need for actinic would be to "colorize" tank to your well as dusk/dawn lighting...that it what Iam looking for I want a 50/50 look
Ozinizer adds O3 to water colum generally being injected into skimmer chamber for maximum mixing and then run thru carbon to remove before being returned to tank...You do not want residual O3 in tank...will I need some sort of moneter and are there to many sizes
Hand doseing takes time...Kalk reactor adds calcium and calcium reactor adds alkalinity (I know sounds backward??)
The two "compliment" each other in keeping water levels stabil and high pH of Kalk reactor balances low pH effulent of Calcium reactor...
um...sounds like ill be hand dosing

sign guy

Active Member
ozone helps skimm the tank and breaks down particals or helps biuld bubbels?
also it sounds like a cal reactor just complicates things
and dose an ozone generator help keep the water more clear?


Active Member
As far as ozinizer, yes there are many models and sizes, but that's to get the most efficient size for your tank and needs...A monitor is nice as it can auto adjust (same as with ca Reactor) but meters will give levels and you can adjust manually...just depends on how much work vs bucks you want to put into it...Hand doseing works too, but high demand tanks tend to get out of hand quick and the mechinization can help keep things balanced and stable...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
bottom line would you recamend eather?
I don't have any experiance running an buddy has one on his tank, and I'm familiar with them , but never saw a "need" for my system, I run a large algal scrubber fuge and killer skimmer and have had no water quality of parasite issues, so I never invested...
and sorry to bug but what should I do for antic's?
Start with two and see if that gives the colorization your looking for...
I run a 14 K Phoenix (DE) and 2x65 true actinics for what I feel is a decent color with good growth potential...I had a 10 K and thought it too yellow even with the suplementation, but that's a personal choice....
Ballast choice buld manufactor will also influence bulb/tank color...