Concern about my Condylactis!!!


New Member
I got this condy about 4 days ago pink body and purple tips its been eating well (hand fed) he's settled in a perfect hole on this rock hasent moved looks real healthy all streched and sprawled out (pretty btw) Theres enough current really seems to enjoy that as well but my concern is that at the base of the body and where his tentacles start its becoming to look white like bleach what does that mean is it dying?? please help thanks!


Active Member
Pictures will help. Is this a constant change or a few hours? After feeding my anemones look bad, retracted, etc. a few hours later they look perked up and fine. Also when the lights first come on they are slightly dull.
Pics say a 1000 words.


Active Member
Also check your water parameters. If they are in line, you have the right lighting, and your not over feeding you should be good.
Post your parameters, lighting, and feeding schedule. Also where is your water coming from, do you treat anything, any chemicals into the system. Also how long has the system been up and running.
I know that is a lot but it helps determine where you are with the tank.

mr. limpid

Active Member
+1 with tthemadd1, anemone's are no different then SPS coral when comes to lighting water condition and age of tank.