my two green chromis seem to be changing colours a lot lately. Not just from green, to turquoise, to blue, but to a dark colour and now a brownish colour when I turn on the lights. Should I be concerned? Does anyone know what is going on?
they swim around and eat fine when the lights are on?.. i have green chromis as well when the lights come on and they first emerge they tend to have an erray of colours on themeven blotchess of different other fish their color just fades when the lights are out.. my purple tand looks almost white somtimes when she first appears when the light's come on.. but if they're swimming around good and seem healthy other wise .. i wouldn't worry about it..just my opinion.. good luck
yeah, the water tested fine. The goby also shows no signs of bad water or disease. So I thought it might just be some trait of the Chromis. Thanks for the responses everyone.
i have 3 of them and they do the same thing. it is sort of a camoflauge against night predators. mine are blothcy, lt brown or even grey when the lights come on