Concerned about fuge in sump


Does anyone have experience with a sump designed like this? It has a small crack (patched now), so the seller included it for free, along with two 10 lb bags of Miracle Mud. My concern is: Won't the flow coming in (from "F") cause a mud storm with the fuge being in "B"? The water goes through a drawer of bioballs ("A") and exits into "B" via a slot opening just below the drawer, then spills into "C", where both pumps are housed, and then into "D" (blue lines represent baffles), where it exits to the external skimmer via the gate valve ("E"). Seems like the flow would be too heavy to me... I have 2 mystery pumps, but I think they're a 1200GPH and a 1800 gph. I have the flexi-tubing stuff, not hard pvc so no elbows and not as much flow lost.
What is this Miracle Mud, anyway, that it's so expensive? And I seem to remember reading that there was quartz and metal in it. Isn't that bad? I'm using all this stuff b/c it was included free, but this isn't what I planned and I'm playing pickup... :notsure:
Any help or advice is appreciated.
