Concerned About my Leathers


New Member
I'm still relatively new to this hobby. I've had my 55 gal corner bow tank for just over a year now. Supposedly leathers are easier to maintain than hard corals. Well right now my hard corals are doing better than my leathers. The leathers have been shriveled for at least three weeks now. Some people were saying they do that when molting/shedding. I have not been adding iodine to help this process. But I have over the last two weeks. But the leathers are still weak looking. They still feel rubbery so I'm to assume that they are fine. But I'm still concerned. The stats:
55 gal corner bow tank
Lighting: 130 blue/130 white
Lighting: 12 hrs on / 12 hrs off
Feeding: Altering days of ZooPlex and DT and daily flake
Salinity: 1.026
PH: 8.1
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 15
Any ideas would be appreciated.

roll tide

I have had my leathers for right at 2 years now. I keep my salt at .024 I dont know if that would make a big differance or not though. New to this myself.


I'm new myself but it looks like your PH could use a boost. I keep mine between 8.2 & 8.4 with s.g. at 1.025 to 1.026. So far I've had very good luck with my colt & finger leathers.


Active Member
I would say in my experiencethe PH ansd SG are fine.It could be something stinging itbut I would think it might be a water flow issue.What is it like in the tank ,doyou had an allegy problem cause if they dont get enough movement they can get clogged and suffocate.These are a easy coral to take care of.If there is a problem ,it would be light, water parameters or water movementor chemical warfare from tankmates. :happyfish