Concerts this weekend...



I'm going to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra tonight, and the Brad Paisley/Sugarland/Sarah Evans concert tomorrow night.
anyone else been to any good concerts lately???


i saw the trans-siberian orchestra last was long and i got you guys wouldn't think the concerts i have been to are good anyways.... warped tour, bowling for soup, saw evanescence last year...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
I've been to four this year
Tori Amos
Pearl Jam
The Posies
Neil Diamond
Where did you see Pearl Jam? How was it? I saw them twice the summer of '03.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bluelagoon
i saw the trans-siberian orchestra last was long and i got you guys wouldn't think the concerts i have been to are good anyways.... warped tour, bowling for soup, saw evanescence last year...
bowling for soup is GREAT.. wuts ur fav. song by them?


Active Member
Well, not a concert, but Jeff Foxworthy was in Detroit a while back, and I saw him. HE RULES!!! "One night, I got a little loopey and I fell asleep and dreamed I drank the worlds largest margarita. I woke up and noticed there was salt of the toilet lid.
" He is so funny. Also, I played in a school orchestra concert last night. (neither of those count, but what the heck)


Originally Posted by fedukeford
bowling for soup is GREAT.. wuts ur fav. song by them?
anyways, i don't have a fave song. how could i?!? i have the following albums: Rock on Honorable Ones, Let's Do it For Johnny, Drunk Enough to Dance, A Hangover You Don't Deserve, and (Bowling for Soup) Goes to The Movies.
basically, if i could buy it, i did! lol. i'm actually listening to them right now.. 'Next Ex-Girlfriend'. 'Trucker Hat' is an awesome song. i like most of the stuff off of rock on honorable ones. drunk enough to dance is the cd that started it all..... saw the guys at warped tour summer of 2004. got a hat, that everyone but eric signed, cuz he kept disappearing... was gonna get him to sign it in toledo this summer, but we were waiting in line (second couple in line, too, dangit) when one of their crew guys had to be rushed away in an amublance cuz he cracked his head open....
can't wait to see them again! and it's so exciting for me here at school, i've met several other people that like them. the two girls down the hall (the one who just got her own tank that i mentioned in another thread), the girl right next door, my two friends right up stairs... and we've converted our one guy friend. he said today he'd never even heard of them till we were listening to it, and now he thinks they're cool.
what's ur fave song/songs/album?? lol


Originally Posted by schneidts
Where did you see Pearl Jam? How was it? I saw them twice the summer of '03.
I saw them, at the First Union Center here in Philadelphia in October, it was my third time seeing them and first time seeing them indoors, great show, it was the best I have seen them, they played all their rare tracks. It rocked


I took my little brother to his first two concerts two weeks aga.... Elton Joh (1st row) and Aerosmith (he got to shake Steven Tylers hand). May be the best experiences of my life!


I LOVE evanescence... so heartbroken when they split up!!! They were friggin awesome!!!
Recently saw the white stripes and avenged sevenfold. both GREAT concerts. The white stripes concert was phenomenal!!!
The TSO concert was great too!!! I've seen it for 3 years in a row now! The brad paisley concert was also awesome!!! We were in the 11th row, so we were pretty close!!!
as you can see, i love all kinds of music...